Hey, baby boy. Today I'm going to tell you about your Great Great Great Great Great Granddaddy (that's FIVE Greats... not many people can tell you about that distant of a Granddaddy) for whom I am named (James Davis Drane Mauldin) and someone for whom we both should be very proud. His name was James Drane (February 24, 1808 - March 9, 1869)... he was also known as Colonel James Drane and he was the President of the Mississippi Senate before and during the
War Between the States ... he was also a friend of
Jefferson Davis, the President of the Confederate States of America which is where my Davis/Dave comes from.

Here is a picture of his grave marker and his wife's grave marker (around the middle of his obelisk - that's the TALL grave marker - is the inscription "Col. James Drane... here lies an honest man"... WOW!... what a life testimony written "in stone!"):

This is the face of his grave marker in
French Camp, Mississippi which is on the
Natchez Trace. He was such a famous man of his time that in the early 1980s Mississippi moved his house & grave markers over to the Natchez Trace and built a $500,000 parking area so tourists could park and go into his restored house (when my Daddy first showed me the Drane house years ago, it was very run down and being used as a hay barn across the road from the family cemetery where he is still buried. I have a small piece of the cast iron fence that surrounded his grave site). The late Justice James P. Coleman of the U. S. Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals; New Orleans (Governor of Mississippi & Mississippi historian) in his address at the Drane house's dedication said that James Drane was one of the major political figures of his time and a great man.

This is his wife's marker (Matilda Blanche Shaw; January 7, 1813 - July 27, 1859):

This is a picture of his house after it was moved and restored:

This is the back of the house (notice all the chimneys for heating):

This is one of the down stairs rooms:

This is a plaque that addresses what a great man James Drane was (if you click on this image, the picture will enlarge and can be read if you squint):

Well, Ethan... that's your family history lesson for today... I hope that one day you'll be proud of your ancestors... you have a rich Southron heritage.
I love you,
PS. Call me sometime 931-598-9160
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