I suspect it will be a number of years before you guys will consider putting in a garden (although maybe you and your Dad could begin to experiment with gardening?) but I wanted you to have a record of this link so you could refer to it in the future. Someone blessed me with this free video early last fall so I started getting ready then for this year's garden. This fellow's use of wood chips is producing an absolutely incredible garden for him - year after year - with NO watering, NO fertilizer, NO pesticides and minimal weeding. Obviously you have to start getting ready ahead of time to utilize this gardening method because the wood chips have to begin to compost. Consider "passing the video forward" to a gardener you know in the future.

I love you boys and pray for you everyday,
PS. Lord please bless my little grandsons and their family... in Jesus precious Name... AMEN and AMEN!
PSS. I'll keep you boys posted on the progress of my garden.
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