Boys, my brother Chris, your great uncle, sent me this video and it has a profound message... I hope you enjoy the sentiment and live it throughout your life with Jesus.
I love you little guys,
Lord, bless my little grandsons and their family... in Jesus Name I pray.
Good morning, boys, today I'm sad to report to you that our country - at one time the greatest experiment in liberty the world has ever known - is in its death throes and may not survive. The current President is working overtime to destroy the Constitution and the Bill of Rights (these rights are given to ALL men by God NOT granted at the whim of government as Washington would have you believe). One of the most important of the Bill of Rights is the Right to Keep and Bear Arms (2nd Amendment), to wit:
A well regulated militia being necessary to the
security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms
shall not be infringed.
The rights enumerated in the Constitution come from God NOT from government and, therefore, all Americans have the right to own and carry any firearm they want to protect their family from criminals, to hunt, to shoot skeet and to target practice. But the main reason our brilliant Founding Fathers included this right in the Bill of Rights was so citizens could protect themselves from tyrannical government... a government like our federal government has evolved into. A population that is unarmed is enslaved.
Last Saturday I attended a rally in support of the 2nd Amendment and was allowed to speak for a few minutes. I thought you might like to hear what I had to say?
I love you boys and sincerely pray that we won't lose our country so you can live free,
Good morning, boys. I just ran across this video and thought of you
three little guys. When I was younger - before I went to high school at
St Andrews - I was an Eagle Scout. Scouts were known for helping people
especially little old ladies when they needed assistance crossing a street... Scouts helping old
ladies cross the street was almost a cliche'. Happily, many people all
over the world have good hearts and "help old ladies" cross streets. In
Russia there are many cars that have dash cams and that is how so many
of these good deeds were caught on camera. I'm confident because you all
know Jesus that during your lives you will do many kind things for
others without expecting anything in return. Click here to see the video:
I just found another video (below) that shows an act of kindness towards
an abused little dog. I can't stand seeing an animal being mistreated
especially dogs because I love them so much. God created them to teach us many of His ways including unconditional love. On occasion when I've seen a dog being abused, I stopped and called the police to confront the owner.
Animal abuse is and should be a crime punishable by prison time.
I do
hope you boys can get a dog soon... other than the birth of my grandsons
nothing has brought me as much joy as having and loving a dog... no
matter what you give them they are completely satisfied... they just want to be with
you. I still thank the Lord at least once a week for blessing me with
Baxter for 9 1/2 years. Can you see the love in his eyes in this
picture as he looks up at me? All he wanted was to be with Dave. Thankfully, I was with him when he died
and had spent several hours just before the Lord took him home hugging
his neck and telling him how much I loved him (we knew he was dying).
That was over three years ago and I still miss my sweet, big boy (Baxter weighed 120 pounds).
This is a video about a couple who rescued a terrified little dog who had been
dumped by her owner. She was blind and very afraid. Notice the
transformation she makes just by having a family and being loved by her humans. Click here to see the video.
I love you boys... PLEASE give my Birthday Wishes to Isaac .
Good morning, boys... here is a video about exotic birds who live in a rain forest in the south Pacific. I think you might enjoy watching it. Like the hummingbirds I love these incredibly beautiful birds declare to the world the GLORY of our God. Click here to see the video or on the image of the bird.
I hope my little boys have a wonderful day today and that you are praying for your Granddaddy... I'm pray for you and your family every morning.
Hey, boys,
I suspect it will be a number of years before you guys will consider putting in a garden (although maybe you and your Dad could begin to experiment with gardening?) but I wanted you to have a record of this link so you could refer to it in the future. Someone blessed me with this free video early last fall so I started getting ready then for this year's garden. This fellow's use of wood chips is producing an absolutely incredible garden for him - year after year - with NO watering, NO fertilizer, NO pesticides and minimal weeding. Obviously you have to start getting ready ahead of time to utilize this gardening method because the wood chips have to begin to compost. Consider "passing the video forward" to a gardener you know in the future.
I love you boys and pray for you everyday,
PS. Lord please bless my little grandsons and their family... in Jesus precious Name... AMEN and AMEN!
PSS. I'll keep you boys posted on the progress of my garden.