Play this video while reading about Caleb Bradley Dail

I just got this email from your Daddy:
Just wanted to let you know that Caleb was born this morning @12:12am. Mom and Caleb are doing great. She successfully gave birth by VBAC. He was 8 lbs 4 oz & 20 inches long with a full head of brown hair. The hospital has wireless internet so as soon as we download some pictures we will send them to you.
Ooooh-Rahhh... 10 fingers... 10 toes!
Ethan, can you guess who this bushy-haired baby is?... it's your
Mommy and that's me holding her... everyone had hair back then!

How exciting to have a brother, Ethan!... you can help your Mommy with Caleb. You'll really like having a brother... my brother Chris and I have been really good friends for 60 years.
Mommy and that's me holding her... everyone had hair back then!

I hope you won't mind sharing your blog with your little brother?
I love you, Ethan,
PS: Please call me and tell me all about Caleb: 931-598-9160.
Lord, thank you for Caleb's safe delivery... please bless this precious soul all the days of his life and may he come to know Jesus as his Lord and Savior. Be with his Mommy and give her a speedy recovery and strength for all the hard work that lies ahead. Thank you for my two healthy grandsons... You have truly blessed me even though it's long distance... In Jesus' Name I pray... AMEN and AMEN!
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