One thing you need to know about me is that I dearly LOVE dogs (especially puppies). My family hadn't lived in Arkansas very long before our Cocker Spaniel named Jett (they named her that because she was "jet black") had a litter of puppies. Here is what Cocker puppies look like:

My Mama (1920 - 2006), your Great-Grandmama (your Mommy called her Marty) loved to tell a story about me and my first experience with "Dobie," the Doberman Pinscher across the street. When I was just a little older than you, I was playing in the front yard of our house and Mama was keeping an eye on me out the kitchen window. She turned her head for just a moment and when she looked back I was standing there having stuck my entire arm down Dobie's throat up to my shoulder. She ran outside afraid that he would bite my arm off but quickly realized that Dobie was like most Dobermans and was very gentle and not aggressive unless his/her family was in danger. I was fine except that my arm was wet from being in Dobie's mouth. That was our family's first experience with Dobermans and over the years we had a number of them as pets (Tinka, Skipper, Machen, Luke, Zack). They are wonderful family dogs... very gentle, loving and protective of their family if they are in danger. Here is a picture of a grown Doberman and a litter of black and red puppies:

Here is a wonderful picture of a mother Doberman kissing/thanking a fireman who saved her babies from a fire:

Baxter with a friend of mine... he is very big... about 120 pounds:

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