Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy New Year, Ethan...

I love you, little man... be sure to tell Caleb that I love him too.
PS. Call me sometime: 931-598-9160.
Lord, bless the Dail family in the New Year... put a hedge of protection around them, completely heal Caleb's foot and prosper them financially... in Jesus Name... AMEN and AMEN!

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

My prayer for Ethan & Caleb for the New Year

To see my prayer for you two boys, click on this image:
I love Ethan & Caleb,
PS. Call me sometime, boys: 931-598-9160
Lord, please bless my precious little boys and their family in 2010... in Jesus Name... AMEN.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

It's COLD here, Ethan... what's it like in Virginia?

It's cold and damp here in Tennessee so I just started a fire in the wood stove. Your Mommy might remember that we had a wood stove when she was a little girl in Oklahoma. In fact, I'm using the same wood stove after all these years. It looks like this:
Here's a game that you may think is fun to play... I bet you can get them all right (click on the picture to play):
Well, I've got to go tend the fire and bring in some more wood... I hope y'all are all snug and warm in Portsmouth. Merry Christmas!
I love you and Caleb, Ethan,
PS. Call me sometime 931-598-9160.
Lord, bless my boys and their beautiful family... in Jesus Name... AMEN and AMEN!

Friday, December 25, 2009

It was WONDERFUL meeting you for your birthday!

Ethan, it was a joy for me to finally get to meet you at your 2nd birthday party. I hope you are having fun riding your ATV. Your Mommy said that the hat I sent you was too small so I had another one sent today that is adjustable so you and your Daddy can be "twins." That star next to the "N" means that a Navy team "beat Army." I hope you and Caleb had a VERY Merry Christmas and that y'all got lots of neat things from Santa. Maybe your Daddy took some video of you/Caleb and I'll be able to see it soon. Remember "Jesus is the reason for the season!"
This is a song that I loved when I was a teenager... this version is sung by my favorite female vocalist, Judith Durham (Australia)... maybe you'll like both the song and the cartoon?
I love you, little boys,
PS. Call me sometime 931-598-9160.
Lord, bless my sweet grandsons in every way... especially speed Caleb's complete healing so he can run and play with his big brother. Prosper Ethan's family and put a hedge of protection around them... in Jesus' Name... AMEN and AMEN!

Friday, October 23, 2009

Caleb Bradley Dail's first baby book online!

Click to play this Smilebox scrapbook: Welcome to Caleb Dail
Create your own scrapbook - Powered by Smilebox
Make a Smilebox scrapbook

I love you little boys,
PS. Call me sometime 931-598-9160.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Ethan, you never cease to amaze me!

Ethan, you never cease to amaze me!... I sent you that video on RiverDance and you went and learned how to do it! Like I tell ALL my friends, "my grandson Ethan is AMAZING!"
Try JibJab Sendables® eCards today!

Here's your Mommy & Daddy doing the Mexican hat dance... they can really cut a rug, huh!?
Try JibJab Sendables® eCards today!

I had fun making these little videos... I hope you enjoyed them!
I love you, Ethan... I hope Caleb continues to heal and improve.
PS. Please call me sometime: 931-598-9160
Lord, BLESS Ethan and Caleb today... PLEASE touch and heal Caleb's foot and heal Billy Joe's cancer... put a hedge of protection around the Dail family and bless Phillip's business mightily... in Jesus' Name... AMEN!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

You're NOT a baby anymore, Ethan!

Ethan, you're NOT a baby any more but I made this video for you... OF YOU!
Try JibJab Sendables® eCards today!

I hope you enjoyed staring in your first video!
I LOVE you, little man!
PS. Please call me sometime: 931-598-9160.
Lord, I lift up my little boys to you and once again ask your special BLESSINGS on them and their Mommy & Daddy. PLEASE complete your healing of Caleb's foot... I thank you for what you have done so far to make him whole. I pray in Jesus Name... AMEN!


Wednesday, September 23, 2009


Ethan, this first video is a dance troupe called Riverdance... it is Irish folk dancing that immigrated to the United States and became "clogging" (second video)... the third video is just for fun.

Did you get your "Caleb's Big Brother" T-shirt? How is your baby brother? Is his foot getting better? Please call me and tell me about him (931-598-9160).
I love you, Ethan,
Lord, BLESS my little men today... put a hedge of protection around them and their family... increase their Daddy's business... give their Mommy extra strength and energy so she can be the BEST Mommy in the whole wide world... heal Caleb's foot so he can run and play with Ethan... let both those boys know how much You love them and how much their Granddaddy loves them... in Jesus Name I pray... AMEN & AMEN!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Ethan, here are some videos you'll enjoy...

How is your baby brother doing? In the pictures your Mommy sent to me Caleb looks bright eyed and bushy tailed. I hope his cast isn't too uncomfortable for him. I know you are looking forward to playing with him when he gets a little bigger and his foot is well. Call me sometime and tell me about him.
I love you, Ethan,
Lord, BLESS my two little guys mightily and completely heal Caleb's foot. Prosper their Daddy's business and strengthen their Mommy as she does the 100 things necessary to take care of her family... in Jesus Name... AMEN.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Funny dog video and pictures

Ethan, can you imagine how much time it took this man to train these dogs?
These are NOT pictures of a bath towel thrown in the corner:Call me and tell me about your baby brother (931-598-9160)... did you get your new T-shirt?
I love you, little man,
Lord, BLESS my grandsons today and put a hedge of protection around the Dail family. Please continue to heal baby Caleb's foot... in Jesus' Name... AMEN!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Keeping a good attitude

Hi, Ethan... I made a video just for you:

Take a look at this little boy and pay particular attention to his BIG smile. He's taking his lemons (having no legs) and making lemonade... what a GREAT attitude that little guy has!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Thank you, Lord for Ethan's eyes

Ethan, click on this picture of flowers and watch a beautiful video... thank you, Lord for our eye sight:
(Ethan, click on your picture to see a FUNNY video)
Be on the look-out for a package that I sent to you,
PS. Please call me sometime 931-598-9160
Lord, please bless my two grandsons today... especially touch Caleb and heal his foot... guide the doctors that are assisting your healing touch and strengthen their Mommy who now has twice the job she had before... in Jesus Name... AMEN.

Monday, August 31, 2009

Ethan, here's another fun dog video

Do everything you can to help your Mommy with Caleb... I love you, Ethan,
PS. Call me sometime and tell me about Caleb: 931-598-9160.
Lord, bless my two sweet grandsons and strengthen their Mommy for all the work she has to do in taking care of her baby boys. Fill these little boys with Your Holy Spirit and put a hedge of protection around them, in Jesus Name... AMEN and AMEN!

Saturday, August 22, 2009

DOG is GOD spelled backwards

Your Great Aunt Mimzie sent me this song/video/truth... you know how I love dogs... especially my VLD (Very Large Dog) Baxter (double click on the video so you can view it full screen on YouTube):

I love you, BIG Brother Ethan,
PS. Call me and tell me about Caleb... I'll bet he sleeps alot?
Lord thank you for Ethan and Caleb... put a hedge of protection around them and their family... what a blessing they are to me!

Welcome, Caleb Bradley Dail!

Play this video while reading about Caleb Bradley Dail
CONGRATULATIONS, Ethan, your baby brother, Caleb Bradley Dail just arrived TODAY!
I just got this email from your Daddy:
Just wanted to let you know that Caleb was born this morning @12:12am. Mom and Caleb are doing great. She successfully gave birth by VBAC. He was 8 lbs 4 oz & 20 inches long with a full head of brown hair. The hospital has wireless internet so as soon as we download some pictures we will send them to you.
Here's your Mommy, your Daddy, Baby Caleb and BIG Brother Ethan
Ooooh-Rahhh... 10 fingers... 10 toes!Ethan, can you guess who this bushy-haired baby is?... it's your
Mommy and that's me holding her... everyone had hair back then!
How exciting to have a brother, Ethan!... you can help your Mommy with Caleb. You'll really like having a brother... my brother Chris and I have been really good friends for 60 years.
I hope you won't mind sharing your blog with your little brother?
I love you, Ethan,
PS: Please call me and tell me all about Caleb: 931-598-9160.
Lord, thank you for Caleb's safe delivery... please bless this precious soul all the days of his life and may he come to know Jesus as his Lord and Savior. Be with his Mommy and give her a speedy recovery and strength for all the hard work that lies ahead. Thank you for my two healthy grandsons... You have truly blessed me even though it's long distance... In Jesus' Name I pray... AMEN and AMEN!

Friday, August 21, 2009

Newspaper clippings about your Great Granddaddy

Ethan, your great uncle Chris Mauldin just sent me some 70+ year old newspaper clippings about your Great Granddaddy Mauldin (he was my Daddy and the great-great grandson of Col. James Drane, the Mississippi Senator whose house I did a post about several months ago). You'll see that during his college days my Daddy was called Drane Mauldin... it wasn't until he entered the Marine Corps that folks started calling him Jim. These clippings are a little hard to read but if you click on the image, it will enlarge it so it's a little easier to read.

If you compare this picture of Daddy in college with the picture I sent yesterday, it's easy to see that it's the same person.Have a great day, little man, I love you!
PS. Please call me sometime 931-598-9160
Lord, bless my little guy today... may Ethan always flow in Your perfect will!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Ethan, here's a picture of your Great Granddaddy

Ethan, this is a picture of your Great Granddaddy Jim Mauldin (J. D. Drane Mauldin; May 31, 1916 - August 4, 1999). He was my Daddy and your Mommy's Granddaddy. This picture was taken when he was about 40 years old... about 1956 when I was 10 years old. I have some other pictures of him that I'll post for you when I can get them scanned... some of those pictures your Mommy may even remember.Daddy was an Eagle Scout which is probably one of the reasons why he decided to work professionally for the Boy Scouts of America. He was born in McCool, Mississippi and went to Mississippi State University (1934 - 1938) where he majored in agriculture and was a star on the track team. His best event was the quarter mile (440 yards) which is a VERY difficult race because of it's length and the necessity to sprint the entire distance. His best time was within one second of the world record in 1938 (47.2 seconds). He was invited to the Olympic tryouts (Pan American Games) but couldn't afford to go because of the Great Depression.
Daddy raced and beat Glenn Cunningham in the quarter mile. Cunningham was considered by many to be the greatest American miler of all time. The story of Cunningham's life is very inspiring...

Cunningham's legs were very badly burned in a schoolhouse fire when he was eight and his brother Floyd was ten. Floyd died in the schoolhouse. When the doctors recommended amputating Glenn's legs, he was so distressed his parents wouldn't allow it. The doctors predicted he might never walk normally again. He had lost all the flesh on his knees and shins and all the toes on his left foot. Also, his transverse arch was practically destroyed. However, his great determination, coupled with the hours of massages given him by his parents, enabled him to gradually regain the ability to walk and to proceed to run. It was in the early summer of 1919 when he first tried to walk again, roughly two years after the accident. He had a positive attitude as well as a strong religious faith. His favorite Bible verse was Isaiah 40:31: "But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint."

Daddy went on to get a Masters Degree in Fish and Wildlife Management at Texas A & M University in College Station, Texas. After he got his Masters he taught school in McClellanville, South Carolina (1939 - 1941). When World War II broke out in late 1941, Daddy joined the Marine Corps and served for nearly 4 years in the South Pacific commanding an anti-aircraft artillery battery... the gun looked like this:His marines shot down a Japanese kamikaze which looked like this one.His marines shooting down that suicide bomber probably saved scores of American lives. This is a picture of the aircraft carrier Essex right after it was hit by a kamikaze:During the war he married my Mama - your Great Grandmother - on December 15, 1943 in La Jolla, California. These are pictures of "Marty" (Martha Ann Davenport Mauldin; September 21, 1920 - February 24, 2006) taken when your Mommy was about your age (circa Christmas, 1980)... in these pictures, Mama's about my age or a little younger (60 or 61). In the bottom two pictures she's in the house that I built for your Mommy in Waynesville, North Carolina.My Mama was my #1 fan... I sure do miss her.
Did your baby brother/sister arrive yet? How 'bout your hummingbird feeder?... mine has about 4 hummers that "fight" and feed all day long. Have you had a chance to grow any sprouts?... I've got a batch growing right now.
I love you, Ethan,
PS. Give me a call sometime: 931-598-9160
Lord, I lift up this precious little boy to you and ask that you would bless him mightily today... teach him to listen to that still small voice which is the Holy Spirit.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Ethan, aren't these flowers BEAUTIFUL!?

I love you, beautiful boy,
PS. Please call me sometime: 931-598-9160
Lord, I am so thankful for the joy that Ethan has brought into my life... please put a hedge of protection around him and his Mommy and Daddy... and his new baby brother/sister.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Here's a fun video...

Ethan, have your Mommy or Daddy explain to you what a ventriloquist does by throwing his voice to his "dummy." Terry Fator (in the video, below) won "America's Got Talent" several years ago and one of his puppets was a turtle who sounded like Kermit the Frog. In this video the turtle sings a Louis Armstrong song called What a Wonderful World (one of my very favorites because it makes me think of you). When you watch the video, remember Terry is doing all the voices while impersonating the sound of both Kermit's voice and Louis' voice... Terry is REALLY amazing!
Here's Kermit the Frog: Here's Louis Armstrong (aka "Shatchmo"):

I love you, Ethan,
PS. Call me sometime: 931-598-9160.
Lord, thank you for Ethan Dail... please bless him and give him a wonderful learning experience today!

Some good advice...

Ethan, Craig Buis an old friend of mine from Tulsa sent me this little story today... it' pretty good advice:

Two friends were walking through the desert. During some point of the journey they had an argument and one friend slapped the other one on the face.The one who got slapped was hurt, but without saying anything wrote in the sand, "Today my best friend slapped me on the face."They kept on walking until they found an oasis and decided to take a bath.The one who had been slapped got stuck in the mire and started drowning but his friend saved him.After he recovered from the near drowning, he wrote on a stone, "Today my best friend saved my life."
The one who had slapped his friend and then saved him from drowning asked, "After I hurt you, you wrote in the sand and now you write on a stone... Why!?"
The friend replied, "When someone hurts us, we should write it down in sand where the winds of forgiveness can erase it away but when someone does something good for us, we must engrave it in stone where no wind can ever erase it."Ethan, we should all learn to write our hurts in the sand and to carve the good things in stone... it's even Scriptural... Matthew 18:23-25.I love you baby, boy,
PS. Please call me sometime: 931-598-9160.
"Lord, please BLESS my sweet Grandson mightily today and let him know how much his Granddaddy loves him. AMEN!"