Sunday, December 1, 2013

Duck Dynasty's witness for Jesus

As you may know Duck Dynasty is one of the biggest shows on TV right now. Phil Robertson, the patriarch of the family, is my age and to my way of thinking really has his head screwed on straight. Rather than play college football and go on to the pros like his backup quarterback (Terry Bradshaw) did, Phil decided to do what he loved best... hunt ducks and be in the woods as much as possible (in another post I'll discuss in more depth how I feel about his decision). Along the way he came to know Jesus and ever since has lived for Him and raised his family to love Him. Now with their TV show the Robertson family gets to witness to 12 million viewers every week about Jesus... it's POWERFUL. I hope you enjoy what they have to say in this video:

I love you boys,

Your Granddaddy

PS. Boys, here's a video of a model railroad in Germany that you'll enjoy:

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