Wednesday, September 23, 2009


Ethan, this first video is a dance troupe called Riverdance... it is Irish folk dancing that immigrated to the United States and became "clogging" (second video)... the third video is just for fun.

Did you get your "Caleb's Big Brother" T-shirt? How is your baby brother? Is his foot getting better? Please call me and tell me about him (931-598-9160).
I love you, Ethan,
Lord, BLESS my little men today... put a hedge of protection around them and their family... increase their Daddy's business... give their Mommy extra strength and energy so she can be the BEST Mommy in the whole wide world... heal Caleb's foot so he can run and play with Ethan... let both those boys know how much You love them and how much their Granddaddy loves them... in Jesus Name I pray... AMEN & AMEN!

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