Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy New Year, Ethan...

I love you, little man... be sure to tell Caleb that I love him too.
PS. Call me sometime: 931-598-9160.
Lord, bless the Dail family in the New Year... put a hedge of protection around them, completely heal Caleb's foot and prosper them financially... in Jesus Name... AMEN and AMEN!

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

My prayer for Ethan & Caleb for the New Year

To see my prayer for you two boys, click on this image:
I love Ethan & Caleb,
PS. Call me sometime, boys: 931-598-9160
Lord, please bless my precious little boys and their family in 2010... in Jesus Name... AMEN.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

It's COLD here, Ethan... what's it like in Virginia?

It's cold and damp here in Tennessee so I just started a fire in the wood stove. Your Mommy might remember that we had a wood stove when she was a little girl in Oklahoma. In fact, I'm using the same wood stove after all these years. It looks like this:
Here's a game that you may think is fun to play... I bet you can get them all right (click on the picture to play):
Well, I've got to go tend the fire and bring in some more wood... I hope y'all are all snug and warm in Portsmouth. Merry Christmas!
I love you and Caleb, Ethan,
PS. Call me sometime 931-598-9160.
Lord, bless my boys and their beautiful family... in Jesus Name... AMEN and AMEN!

Friday, December 25, 2009

It was WONDERFUL meeting you for your birthday!

Ethan, it was a joy for me to finally get to meet you at your 2nd birthday party. I hope you are having fun riding your ATV. Your Mommy said that the hat I sent you was too small so I had another one sent today that is adjustable so you and your Daddy can be "twins." That star next to the "N" means that a Navy team "beat Army." I hope you and Caleb had a VERY Merry Christmas and that y'all got lots of neat things from Santa. Maybe your Daddy took some video of you/Caleb and I'll be able to see it soon. Remember "Jesus is the reason for the season!"
This is a song that I loved when I was a teenager... this version is sung by my favorite female vocalist, Judith Durham (Australia)... maybe you'll like both the song and the cartoon?
I love you, little boys,
PS. Call me sometime 931-598-9160.
Lord, bless my sweet grandsons in every way... especially speed Caleb's complete healing so he can run and play with his big brother. Prosper Ethan's family and put a hedge of protection around them... in Jesus' Name... AMEN and AMEN!